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Quick Start: SL9600TW Controller

  1. Design the 2-wire path for your system. See Section 1.0 in the SmartWire 9600TW manual.
  2. Mark assigned zone numbers for all valves on your irrigation plan.
  3. Use the Auto Adjust Watering Schedule Form or the Standard Watering Schedule Form in the back of the SmartLine manual to note scheduling details for each zone.
  4. Turn on the power to your SL9600TW. The 2-Wire panel will perform a “power on self test” at initial power-up. The power-up test will confirm the integrity of the processor and will test the display and all LEDs to make sure they are working. A successful test will terminate with a “double –” in the display.
  5. Bring all of your SLDEC valve decoders to the 2-Wire panel and program them with zone numbers to match the zone locations noted on your irrigation plan. See SmartWire 9600TW manual section 6.0 for programming instructions.
  6. If you are using a master valve, See SmartWire 9600TW manual section 5.0 Step 2.
  7. Be sure to use the provided “Sharpie” pen to mark zone numbers on each decoder label at the time the decoder is programmed.
  8. Wire the appropriate zone numbered decoder to your valves using the zone numbers assigned on your irrigation plan. Always use SLCONN waterproof wire connectors to connect SLDEC decoders to the 2-wire path. Standard waterproof connectors like the WC-14 can be used to connect the valve to the decoder wiring.
  9. Install SLGDT lightning arrestors with ground rods. See Section 4.0 of your SmartWire SL9600TW manual. Use SLCONN waterproof connectors.
  10. Place the 2-Wire panel in the RUN mode position. If you have a GREEN LED, your wiring is correct and the system is ready to operate. If Faults appear, refer to Section 13.0 of the manual.
  11. Using the zone information forms from the SL9600TW manual, program the SL9600TW for either Auto Adjust or Standard Watering. Programming is identical to programming for a conventional system.
  12. Your SmartWire system is ready to operate.
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