Earn Rewards
on all non-financed Weathermatic purchases

Earn Rewards
on all non-financed Weathermatic purchases

3 Simple Steps
Sign Up
Register online using the form below.
Purchase a minimum of $5,000 in Weathermatic products annually.
Earn 3% back plus an additional 2% back on your growth above prior year purchases.
3 Simple Steps
Sign Up
Register online using the form below.
Purchase a minimum of $5,000 in Weathermatic products annually.
Earn 3% back plus an additional 2% back on your growth above prior year purchases.
Max Rewards Terms & Conditions
- This program runs annually from January 1st of the current year and ends on December 31st of the current year.
Application Process
- This program is available ONLY to Landscape and Irrigation Contractors with purchases of Weathermatic equipment in excess of $5,000 annually.
- Program enrollment forms must be approved by Weathermatic prior to any MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars being accrued.
- Enrollment form approvals are subject to verification of applicant and may require additional information.
- Upon approval by Weathermatic, notification of approval will be communicated to the participating contractor with an effective date upon which the accruals will begin.
Earning Process
- Participating products include ALL non-financed Weathermatic brand products not including SmartLink Bundles or Software subscriptions.
- All MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars MUST be earned through participating Authorized Weathermatic wholesale distributors.
- MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars will be earned at the rate of 3% of purchases until the prior year’s purchase level is reached. Once the prior year’s purchase level is reached the rate will increase to 5% on all purchases above prior year levels.
- NO accruals will be made on sales prior to the sign-up date.
Reporting Process
- Once per quarter Weathermatic will request purchase data from authorized distributors on behalf of participating organizations on the Max Rewards Program.
- Submissions must be for purchases made within the current program quarter.
- Purchases prior to sign up date are not eligible.
- Proof of purchase must be submitted by an authorized distributor listed on program application and include product purchases with the respective dollar sales.
- Once purchase data has been submitted and reviewed Weathermatic will communicate with contractor of the amount of rebate.
Rebate Payment Process
- Rebates will be accrued on a quarterly basis and paid out annually by March 31 of the following year.
- All accrued MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars will be paid in the form of check to the participating company.
Quarter | Start | End | Approximate Date Rebates will be Accrued* |
1 | January 1 | March 31 | June 30 |
2 | April 1 | June 30 | September 30 |
3 | July 1 | September 30 | December 31 |
4 | October 1 | December 31 | March 31 of following year |
- Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the aforementioned processes will disqualify the participant from the program and any or all existing accrued MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars will be revoked.
- Weathermatic reserves the right to discontinue the program at any time.
- One membership per company.
- The authorized signor on the program application will be designated as the primary Max Rewards Program contact.
- Accounting contact information and W-9 is required when enrolling in the program.
- By applying for the program you give Weathermatic permission to contact any distributors listed on the application for purchase data on your behalf.
- Signing up for the program gives Weathermatic the consent to contact you for any business related communications.
- Consent to Contact participant: It is understood that enrollment in this program creates an “Existing Business Relationship” as that term is used in Federal and State legislation related to unsolicited telephone and other communications. By executing and submitting the enrollment forms the participant agrees and grants specific permission and consent to be contacted by Weathermatic via all methods disclosed on the enrollment form. This consent shall be deemed to apply to all offices and branches of the participating organization.
Max Rewards Terms & Conditions
- This program runs annually from January 1st of the current year and ends on December 31st of the current year.
Application Process
- This program is available ONLY to Landscape and Irrigation Contractors with purchases of Weathermatic equipment in excess of $5,000 annually.
- Program enrollment forms must be approved by Weathermatic prior to any MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars being accrued.
- Enrollment form approvals are subject to verification of applicant and may require additional information.
- Upon approval by Weathermatic, notification of approval will be communicated to the participating contractor with an effective date upon which the accruals will begin.
Earning Process
- Participating products include ALL non-financed Weathermatic brand products not including SmartLink Bundles or Software subscriptions.
- All MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars MUST be earned through participating Authorized Weathermatic wholesale distributors.
- MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars will be earned at the rate of 3% of purchases until the prior year’s purchase level is reached. Once the prior year’s purchase level is reached the rate will increase to 5% on all purchases above prior year levels.
- NO accruals will be made on sales prior to the sign-up date.
Reporting Process
- Once per quarter Weathermatic will request purchase data from authorized distributors on behalf of participating organizations on the Max Rewards Program.
- Submissions must be for purchases made within the current program quarter.
- Purchases prior to sign up date are not eligible.
- Proof of purchase must be submitted by an authorized distributor listed on program application and include product purchases with the respective dollar sales.
- Once purchase data has been submitted and reviewed Weathermatic will communicate with contractor of the amount of rebate.
Rebate Payment Process
- Rebates will be accrued on a quarterly basis and paid out annually by March 31 of the following year.
- All accrued MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars will be paid in the form of check to the participating company.
Quarter | Start | End | Approximate Date Rebates will be Accrued* |
1 | January 1 | March 31 | June 30 |
2 | April 1 | June 30 | September 30 |
3 | July 1 | September 30 | December 31 |
4 | October 1 | December 31 | March 31 of following year |
- Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the aforementioned processes will disqualify the participant from the program and any or all existing accrued MAX Rewards Rebate Dollars will be revoked.
- Weathermatic reserves the right to discontinue the program at any time.
- One membership per company.
- The authorized signor on the program application will be designated as the primary Max Rewards Program contact.
- Accounting contact information and W-9 is required when enrolling in the program.
- By applying for the program you give Weathermatic permission to contact any distributors listed on the application for purchase data on your behalf.
- Signing up for the program gives Weathermatic the consent to contact you for any business related communications.
- Consent to Contact participant: It is understood that enrollment in this program creates an “Existing Business Relationship” as that term is used in Federal and State legislation related to unsolicited telephone and other communications. By executing and submitting the enrollment forms the participant agrees and grants specific permission and consent to be contacted by Weathermatic via all methods disclosed on the enrollment form. This consent shall be deemed to apply to all offices and branches of the participating organization.